At the invitation of the Tacoma Council's Economic Development Committee, Tuesday I presented an overview of the military contributions and impact on our community.
Tacoma was most interested, understandably, in how our local military, as an industry and as a major employer, effects them. They were also interested in the economic opportunities that may be generated from a closer relationship. With the new community partnership between Tacoma and Madigan Army Medical Center, those opportunities play to strengths of Tacoma.
It was gratifying that Tacoma Councilmembers recognize too, the civic contributions of service members, and their "get 're done" attitude. The positive experiences that Councilmember David Boe shared, with some of his clients as retired military, and how vets become great entrepreneurs, valued employees and community volunteers, was a testimonial to their civic contribution.
I look for an increasingly active and committed response from Tacoma developing and supporting our area servicemembers and installations.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Draft JBLM Growth Coordination Plan Released
Nancy Bird, JBLM Growth Coordination Plan consulting lead (AECOM), reports the release of the Draft JBLM Growth Coordination Plan. An Executive Summary, the Draft Plan, and supporting Appendices are now available on the public website for your review and consideration:
JBLM Growth Coordination Plan or
It is important to note that the recommendations and strategies included in the Draft Plan may look quite different than those last seen during the Expert Panel discussions. Staff took stakeholder comments to INTEGRATE recommendations seriously, and have developed seven overarching draft recommendations with an accompanying series of strategies within each.
They also recognize that many will still be interested in seeing strategies by Expert Panel resource area. Please refer to the summary tables following the recommendations to help you navigate directly to strategies by resource area, cost, and type.
JBLM Growth Coordination Plan or
It is important to note that the recommendations and strategies included in the Draft Plan may look quite different than those last seen during the Expert Panel discussions. Staff took stakeholder comments to INTEGRATE recommendations seriously, and have developed seven overarching draft recommendations with an accompanying series of strategies within each.
They also recognize that many will still be interested in seeing strategies by Expert Panel resource area. Please refer to the summary tables following the recommendations to help you navigate directly to strategies by resource area, cost, and type.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
National TBI/PTSD Symposium Here
Is this symposium about your business? Are you a health care specialist supporting or treating potentially injured service members? Consider how you or your business may participate or gain visibility at this conference. For more info, contact: Colonel Jerome Penner or Pamela Foe Colonel Penner's secretary.
The new Tacoma Subchapter of the Capt. Meriwether Lewis Chapter is looking for donations of cup cakes and cakes from bakeries and caters for the TBI/PTSD Symposium being held on November 4th, for military members and their families. Additionally, they are seeking raffle/door prizes for attendees: Certificates and New Items.
The new Tacoma Subchapter of the Capt. Meriwether Lewis Chapter is looking for donations of cup cakes and cakes from bakeries and caters for the TBI/PTSD Symposium being held on November 4th, for military members and their families. Additionally, they are seeking raffle/door prizes for attendees: Certificates and New Items.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Input for Proposed CAB at JBLM
NOTICE: The Environmental Protection Agency published today (Dec. 17, 2010) in the Federal Register (page 78993) an amended notice (see below) for a Department of the Army action. If you or your organization is commenting on this action, you now have until January 7, 2011 to provide comments to the Army.
EIS No. 20100438, Draft EIS, USA, CO, Programmatic--Growth, Realignment, and Stationing of Army Aviation Assets, Evaluates Environmental Impacts of Stationing Army Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Carson, CO and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA,.
Comment Period Ends: 01/07/2011, Contact: Mike Ackerman 210-295-2273. Revision to FR Notice Published 11/05/2010; Extending Comment Period from 12/20/2010 to 01/07/2011.
The Army (U.S. Army Environmental Command) is requesting input on proposed combat aviation brigade stationing.
All interested members of the public, including native communities and federally recognized Native American Tribes, federal, state, and local agencies, are invited to submit written comments to identify environmental issues and concerns to be analyzed in the programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS). Written comments will be accepted until Oct. 10. Comments can be sent to Public Affairs Office, U.S. Army Environmental Command, 5179 Hoadley Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010, e-mailed to:
or faxed to (410) 436-1693.
The Army needs to increase the availability of rotary wing assets to meet current and future national security requirements and intends to prepare a PEIS to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the proposed growth, realignment, and stationing of new and existing Army aviation assets.
The proposed action includes the consolidation and reassignment of existing aviation units, and the establishment and stationing of one or more Combat Aviation Brigades (CAB). This will allow the Army to organize existing aviation assets to promote more effective training and force management.
The PEIS will include the construction and renovation of garrison facilities and additional training needed to support the establishment and realignment of aviation units.
The Army is considering the following alternatives in the PEIS:
(1) Realign and consolidate existing aviation elements of up to a full CAB at Fort Carson, Colo., or Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.;
(2) Implement those actions discussed in alternative 1; in addition, establish a new CAB and station it at Fort Carson or Joint Base Lewis-McChord; and
(3) No-Action Alternative, which would retain the Army aviation force structure at its current levels at their current locations in their current configuration.
No more than one additional CAB would be assigned to either of the stationing locations being considered. As part of alternatives 1 and 2, aviation units would conduct training on existing training land at the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, Colo., or the Yakima Training Center, Wash., to maintain training proficiency and support integrated training with ground units. Land acquisition is not being considered as part of this action.
Fort Carson and Joint Base Lewis-McChord are the only stationing alternatives that meet all of the Army's stationing requirements for new CAB stationing. These locations provide an existing runway and airfield, provide adequate maneuver and airspace for CAB operations, and are equipped with existing aviation training ranges.
Fort Carson and Joint Base Lewis-McChord are the only major installations that have three or more ground maneuver brigade combat teams, allowing the Army to maximize integrated air/ground training. Neither site has a CAB dedicated to provide aviation support for training.
The PEIS will assess, consider, and compare the direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental effects from the stationing of up to one additional CAB at each installation. The primary environmental issues to be analyzed will include potential impacts to air quality, soils, airspace, cultural resources, natural resources, noise, and socioeconomics. In addition, the Army will consider those issues identified by the public and other organizations as the part of the scoping process.
Predicted environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the proposed action at Fort Carson and Joint Base Lewis-McChord include increases in aviation activity, potential for wildlife disturbance, as well as additional impacts to soils, biological resources, surface water, and vegetation will be analyzed. Additional vehicle traffic and growth in school population associated with an increase in Soldier populations will also be analyzed.
At the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, cumulative impacts to soils are predicted to be manageable with current dust control mitigation techniques. At the Yakima Training Center, a higher risk of wildfires is anticipated with potential for vegetation and habitat degradation.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Public Affairs Office, U.S. Army Environmental Command, 5179 Hoadley Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5401; (410) 436-2556.
EIS No. 20100438, Draft EIS, USA, CO, Programmatic--Growth, Realignment, and Stationing of Army Aviation Assets, Evaluates Environmental Impacts of Stationing Army Combat Aviation Brigade at Fort Carson, CO and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA,.
Comment Period Ends: 01/07/2011, Contact: Mike Ackerman 210-295-2273. Revision to FR Notice Published 11/05/2010; Extending Comment Period from 12/20/2010 to 01/07/2011.
The Army (U.S. Army Environmental Command) is requesting input on proposed combat aviation brigade stationing.
All interested members of the public, including native communities and federally recognized Native American Tribes, federal, state, and local agencies, are invited to submit written comments to identify environmental issues and concerns to be analyzed in the programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS). Written comments will be accepted until Oct. 10. Comments can be sent to Public Affairs Office, U.S. Army Environmental Command, 5179 Hoadley Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010, e-mailed to:
or faxed to (410) 436-1693.
The Army needs to increase the availability of rotary wing assets to meet current and future national security requirements and intends to prepare a PEIS to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the proposed growth, realignment, and stationing of new and existing Army aviation assets.
The proposed action includes the consolidation and reassignment of existing aviation units, and the establishment and stationing of one or more Combat Aviation Brigades (CAB). This will allow the Army to organize existing aviation assets to promote more effective training and force management.
The PEIS will include the construction and renovation of garrison facilities and additional training needed to support the establishment and realignment of aviation units.
The Army is considering the following alternatives in the PEIS:
(1) Realign and consolidate existing aviation elements of up to a full CAB at Fort Carson, Colo., or Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.;
(2) Implement those actions discussed in alternative 1; in addition, establish a new CAB and station it at Fort Carson or Joint Base Lewis-McChord; and
(3) No-Action Alternative, which would retain the Army aviation force structure at its current levels at their current locations in their current configuration.
No more than one additional CAB would be assigned to either of the stationing locations being considered. As part of alternatives 1 and 2, aviation units would conduct training on existing training land at the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, Colo., or the Yakima Training Center, Wash., to maintain training proficiency and support integrated training with ground units. Land acquisition is not being considered as part of this action.
Fort Carson and Joint Base Lewis-McChord are the only stationing alternatives that meet all of the Army's stationing requirements for new CAB stationing. These locations provide an existing runway and airfield, provide adequate maneuver and airspace for CAB operations, and are equipped with existing aviation training ranges.
Fort Carson and Joint Base Lewis-McChord are the only major installations that have three or more ground maneuver brigade combat teams, allowing the Army to maximize integrated air/ground training. Neither site has a CAB dedicated to provide aviation support for training.
The PEIS will assess, consider, and compare the direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental effects from the stationing of up to one additional CAB at each installation. The primary environmental issues to be analyzed will include potential impacts to air quality, soils, airspace, cultural resources, natural resources, noise, and socioeconomics. In addition, the Army will consider those issues identified by the public and other organizations as the part of the scoping process.
Predicted environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the proposed action at Fort Carson and Joint Base Lewis-McChord include increases in aviation activity, potential for wildlife disturbance, as well as additional impacts to soils, biological resources, surface water, and vegetation will be analyzed. Additional vehicle traffic and growth in school population associated with an increase in Soldier populations will also be analyzed.
At the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, cumulative impacts to soils are predicted to be manageable with current dust control mitigation techniques. At the Yakima Training Center, a higher risk of wildfires is anticipated with potential for vegetation and habitat degradation.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Public Affairs Office, U.S. Army Environmental Command, 5179 Hoadley Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5401; (410) 436-2556.
Friday, September 17, 2010
It’s Your Money; Come and Get It
Don’t leave anything on the table!
The Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay deadline for eligible military personnel to submit their claims for this special pay is Oct. 21, 2010. The average benefit is $3,800, and there are over 145,000 eligible service members and veterans. (Only 58,000 claims have been paid.)
DoD and the Services are working hard to remind folks to submit claims! It’s not a scam. And it’s not a joke. It’s YOUR money, so go get it.
Just in case you had forgotten, the 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Act authorized retroactive stop loss special pay of $500 for every month/partial month served in stop loss status. Servicemembers, veterans, and beneficiaries of servicemembers who were involuntarily extended under stop loss between 9/11 and September 30th 2009 are eligible.
The Congress set aside $534.4 million to pay out those funds, but as of the end of last month only $219 million in claims have been paid. Qualifying individuals have served — or are still serving — their country nobly and deserve to be paid the money they’ve earned.
Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , says: The application process is simple and straightforward. No strings attached. But once the deadline passes, by law it cannot be extended. So jump online and check it out here. at:
The Retroactive Stop Loss Special Pay deadline for eligible military personnel to submit their claims for this special pay is Oct. 21, 2010. The average benefit is $3,800, and there are over 145,000 eligible service members and veterans. (Only 58,000 claims have been paid.)
DoD and the Services are working hard to remind folks to submit claims! It’s not a scam. And it’s not a joke. It’s YOUR money, so go get it.
Just in case you had forgotten, the 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Act authorized retroactive stop loss special pay of $500 for every month/partial month served in stop loss status. Servicemembers, veterans, and beneficiaries of servicemembers who were involuntarily extended under stop loss between 9/11 and September 30th 2009 are eligible.
The Congress set aside $534.4 million to pay out those funds, but as of the end of last month only $219 million in claims have been paid. Qualifying individuals have served — or are still serving — their country nobly and deserve to be paid the money they’ve earned.
Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , says: The application process is simple and straightforward. No strings attached. But once the deadline passes, by law it cannot be extended. So jump online and check it out here. at:
Noteworthies With a Local Link
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced today that the President has nominated Army Maj. Gen. John D. Johnson for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general and assignment as commanding general, Eighth U.S. Army/chief of staff, U.N. Command/Combined Forces Command/U.S. Forces Korea. Johnson is currently serving as deputy commanding general, I Corps and Fort Lewis, Fort Lewis, Wash.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Harborstone Credit Union Named 2010 Air Force Credit Union of the Year
Harborstone Credit Union named 2010 Air Force Credit Union of the Year
South Sound institution honored for outstanding service to Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Lakewood, WA (September 16, 2010) – The United States Air Force has awarded its 2010 Air Force Credit Union of the Year honors to Harborstone Credit Union for its commitment to all military personnel and their families on Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM).
Harborstone, a Washington state institution serving South Sound and one of the “official” Defense credit unions on Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), also won the prestigious national award in 2006.
The 2010 Air Force Credit Union of the year recognizes Defense credit unions that provide exceptional service to local military communities. Harborstone was specifically commended for its extensive support on JBLM-McChord Field, for the fallen Lakewood police officers and military personnel returning from deployments, the Air Mobility Rodeo participants, and numerous events and programs supporting military families.
“We’re passionate about supporting the military personnel—both active and retired—in the communities we serve,” said Phil Jones, Harborstone CEO. “It’s the same approach we take for all of our members. We care about them and want to be a productive partner in their financial lives.”
Harborstone is also known for increasing community awareness and for implementing programs that support the military population. The Military Selection Panel also noted Harborstone’s efforts to combat predatory payday lending by offering financial management training as part of multiple Professional Military Education courses. Harborstone has also been one of the catalysts in forming and leading the Pierce Military & Business Alliance, which manages over $100,000 in annual contributions from local businesses to military causes supporting the military's morale, readiness and retention efforts.
In the award letter to Harborstone, Jamie M. Morin, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Finance Department, commended Harborstone’s “responsiveness to the needs of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, outstanding level of community outreach, financial management training for our Airmen and volunteer initiatives.”
Harborstone was also recognized for its employees’ active involvement with military service organizations, charity fundraising and local recognition programs. In addition, the selection committee praised the level of customer communication through Harborstone’s periodic town-hall meetings and active solicitation of customer feedback in order to improve financial services. Finally, Harborstone was noted for its support of the “Military Saves” program. The company is also heavily involved with the Association of the U.S. Army and the Air Force Association, and specializes in providing “Total Force Support” for families on JBLM.
South Sound institution honored for outstanding service to Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Lakewood, WA (September 16, 2010) – The United States Air Force has awarded its 2010 Air Force Credit Union of the Year honors to Harborstone Credit Union for its commitment to all military personnel and their families on Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM).
Harborstone, a Washington state institution serving South Sound and one of the “official” Defense credit unions on Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), also won the prestigious national award in 2006.
The 2010 Air Force Credit Union of the year recognizes Defense credit unions that provide exceptional service to local military communities. Harborstone was specifically commended for its extensive support on JBLM-McChord Field, for the fallen Lakewood police officers and military personnel returning from deployments, the Air Mobility Rodeo participants, and numerous events and programs supporting military families.
“We’re passionate about supporting the military personnel—both active and retired—in the communities we serve,” said Phil Jones, Harborstone CEO. “It’s the same approach we take for all of our members. We care about them and want to be a productive partner in their financial lives.”
Harborstone is also known for increasing community awareness and for implementing programs that support the military population. The Military Selection Panel also noted Harborstone’s efforts to combat predatory payday lending by offering financial management training as part of multiple Professional Military Education courses. Harborstone has also been one of the catalysts in forming and leading the Pierce Military & Business Alliance, which manages over $100,000 in annual contributions from local businesses to military causes supporting the military's morale, readiness and retention efforts.
In the award letter to Harborstone, Jamie M. Morin, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Finance Department, commended Harborstone’s “responsiveness to the needs of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, outstanding level of community outreach, financial management training for our Airmen and volunteer initiatives.”
Harborstone was also recognized for its employees’ active involvement with military service organizations, charity fundraising and local recognition programs. In addition, the selection committee praised the level of customer communication through Harborstone’s periodic town-hall meetings and active solicitation of customer feedback in order to improve financial services. Finally, Harborstone was noted for its support of the “Military Saves” program. The company is also heavily involved with the Association of the U.S. Army and the Air Force Association, and specializes in providing “Total Force Support” for families on JBLM.
Camp Murray and I-5
Most of you have probably followed the developing controversy within the Tillicum community about proposed gate relocation for Washington National Guard's HQ at Camp Murray.
Seemingly a simple question of where to stack the queue turns into a more complex problem when the needful expansion of I-5 is considered. Recently, Lakewood, as lead in the Office of Economic Adjustment funded study of I-5 between (roughly) SR-512 and DuPont, found a necessity to accommodate the employment growth at JBLM to increase capacity and support infrastructure.
That point, among several, is brought home in an open letter by WNG Adjutant General Timothy Lowenberg on the issue pledging to work with (not "rolling over") the installation's neighbors. That's all here in the enclosed letter.

Seemingly a simple question of where to stack the queue turns into a more complex problem when the needful expansion of I-5 is considered. Recently, Lakewood, as lead in the Office of Economic Adjustment funded study of I-5 between (roughly) SR-512 and DuPont, found a necessity to accommodate the employment growth at JBLM to increase capacity and support infrastructure.
That point, among several, is brought home in an open letter by WNG Adjutant General Timothy Lowenberg on the issue pledging to work with (not "rolling over") the installation's neighbors. That's all here in the enclosed letter.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Noteworthies With a Local Link
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced today that the President has nominated Army Maj. Gen. Curtis M. Scaparrotti, for appointment to the grade of lieutenant general and assignment as commanding general, I Corps and Fort Lewis, Fort Lewis, Wash. Scaparrotti most recently served as commanding general, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Friday, September 10, 2010
JBLM Preferred Site for 5,700 More Soldiers
The Army has announced its preference to add 5,700 soldiers and 8,260 family members to Fort Lewis.
The Department of the Army announces the availability of an FEIS for Fort Lewis and YTC that analyzes the environmental impacts of implementing the decisions in the 2007 Army Growth and Force Structure Realignment Programmatic EIS (also referred to as the Grow The Army PEIS or GTA PEIS) and other ongoing Army realignment and stationing initiatives, such as the potential for Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) stationing that may potentially effect Fort Lewis and YTC.
The Proposed Action could station up to 5,700 Soldiers and their Families at Fort Lewis. The Proposed Action includes the stationing of 1,900 Soldiers directed under the GTA PEIS, the potential additional stationing of up to 1,000 combat service support (CSS) Soldiers, and the potential stationing of a medium Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) of approximately 2,800 Soldiers for a total of up to 5,700 Soldiers.
After reviewing the alternatives analyzed in the FEIS, the Army has identified Alternative 4 as its preferred alternative, which includes all components of the GTA, CSS, and CAB alternatives (up to a total of 5,700 Soldiers and 8,260 family members).
The Army announces its intent to prepare a Programmatic EIS for the proposed growth, realignment and stationing of new and existing Army aviation assets. The proposed action includes the consolidation and reorganization of existing aviation units, and the establishment of one or more Combat Aviation Brigades (CABs). The proposed action will increase the availability of rotary wing assets to meet current and future national security requirements and will allow the Army better to organize existing aviation assets to promote more effective training and force management. The PEIS will evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the proposed action, which includes the construction and renovation of garrison facilities and additional training needed to support the establishment and realignment of aviation units.
To access the full text of the Federal Register announcements, go online to the Federal Register and search for “Army” and “Fort Lewis” for the FEIS and “Army” and “CAB” for the programmatic EIS. You may need to scroll down a few actions to find the right link.
The FEIS is available on the JBLM Public Works website here.
The Department of the Army announces the availability of an FEIS for Fort Lewis and YTC that analyzes the environmental impacts of implementing the decisions in the 2007 Army Growth and Force Structure Realignment Programmatic EIS (also referred to as the Grow The Army PEIS or GTA PEIS) and other ongoing Army realignment and stationing initiatives, such as the potential for Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) stationing that may potentially effect Fort Lewis and YTC.
The Proposed Action could station up to 5,700 Soldiers and their Families at Fort Lewis. The Proposed Action includes the stationing of 1,900 Soldiers directed under the GTA PEIS, the potential additional stationing of up to 1,000 combat service support (CSS) Soldiers, and the potential stationing of a medium Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) of approximately 2,800 Soldiers for a total of up to 5,700 Soldiers.
After reviewing the alternatives analyzed in the FEIS, the Army has identified Alternative 4 as its preferred alternative, which includes all components of the GTA, CSS, and CAB alternatives (up to a total of 5,700 Soldiers and 8,260 family members).
The Army announces its intent to prepare a Programmatic EIS for the proposed growth, realignment and stationing of new and existing Army aviation assets. The proposed action includes the consolidation and reorganization of existing aviation units, and the establishment of one or more Combat Aviation Brigades (CABs). The proposed action will increase the availability of rotary wing assets to meet current and future national security requirements and will allow the Army better to organize existing aviation assets to promote more effective training and force management. The PEIS will evaluate the environmental impacts associated with the proposed action, which includes the construction and renovation of garrison facilities and additional training needed to support the establishment and realignment of aviation units.
To access the full text of the Federal Register announcements, go online to the Federal Register and search for “Army” and “Fort Lewis” for the FEIS and “Army” and “CAB” for the programmatic EIS. You may need to scroll down a few actions to find the right link.
The FEIS is available on the JBLM Public Works website here.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
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