Sunday, January 24, 2010

JBLM Growth Coordination Begins

The JBLM Growth Coordination Kick-Off Workshop was held Friday at the McGavick Center, Clover Park Technical College.  About 100 attendees were present to begin the process of a Pierce-Thurston Counties collaborative effort with Fort Lewis (source of growth and soon-to-be manager of JBLM). (McChord representatives are participants too.)

The Growth Coordination Plan will identify and analyze community “gaps” that exist in the region in regard to being able to properly handle Ft. Lewis and McChord AFB’s anticipated growth. At the April 9, 2009, Growth Coordination Workshop attended by over 90 Study Area stakeholders, participants identified ten functional areas as elements that needed to be analyzed in detail.

The plan seeks to address such questions as:
1. Where is the future growth going?
2. Do the communities like where future development is headed, and do they have the tools to shape
more desirable growth patterns?
3. Are the communities doing what is necessary to accommodate the needs of the soldiers, airmen and
their families?

The objectives of the Growth Coordination Plan are to:
1. Identify and assess existing conditions
2. Determine future needs of an increased military population
3. Develop short term and long term priorities and potential funding sources to accommodate this
4. Develop planning, coordination and implementation strategies that help achieve the long term
strategic goals of the stakeholders during this period of growth and change
5. Maintain a central point of coordination for all major stakeholders who are impacted by the expansion
of Ft. Lewis
6. Promote regular communication with all local and regional groups and committees that discuss
military installation infrastructure and service issues and concerns
7. Establish a clear set of action steps to local communities about managing future growth and demands
for services

To help keep the general public informed, the JBLM Growth Coordination has set up a publicly-available website.  This website has also been listed among the community links featured on this blog.

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