Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Military Appropriations Includes Review of Roads
Today the U.S. House of Representatives voted 416-1 to pass H.R. 4486, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2015.
Language originally offered by Rep. Denny Heck (WA-10) was included in the report accompanying the bill. Heck’s language calls for changes to how the Department of Defense allocates funding for road construction near and on military installations.
In the bill now sent to the U.S. Senate for consideration, the DoD is directed to review potential road construction and expansion programs appropriate for the Defense Access Roads program, the only existing DoD program that provides funding for public highway improvements in and around military installations.
The level of congestion around our area is unsustainable for both military readiness and economic activity, said Congressman Denny Heck of Washington’s 10th District. I will continue to work closely with the committee to identify ways to upgrade the transportation infrastructure around bases such as Joint Base Lewis-McChord as soon as possible.
More than 60 years old, the DAR program was created when bases were expected to be located in relatively undeveloped regions, and no changes have been made to the program since 1978. The designated funding process forces highway improvement projects to compete with other construction projects like barracks, mission facilities, and maintenance buildings. Military installations located near urban areas often fail to qualify for DAR funding due to restrictive eligibility criteria.
The Committee on Appropriations states in its report:
Defense Access Roads project timeline.—The Committee is very concerned about the lack of use of the Defense Access Roads program within the Department of Defense. The Committee has heard of many worthwhile road construction/expansion projects in and around military installations that are in great need of funding. These projects would provide a great benefit to the installations and the surrounding communities. Therefore, the Committee directs the Department to review needed projects around military installations as well as a timeline on when those projects will be completed and report back to the Committee not later than 30 days after enactment of this Act. If the Department cannot provide a timeline, they should explain how the program can be changed to meet those requirements.
Friday, April 25, 2014
New Veterans Employment Tool Launched

The Veterans Employment Center is "the first online one-stop shopping tool for veterans," according to an April 23 release. "Starting today, every single service member, every veteran, and every military family will have access to a new online tool that will revolutionize how you find jobs in both the public and private sectors," said Mrs. Obama.
The website allows businesses to search and find résumés of veterans, service members, and spouses all in one location, states the release. Those who upload their résumés to the site just need an active LinkedIn or Google profile account.
Joining Forces is a White House initiative intended to ensure that "no veteran has to fight for a job at home" after they return from service, according to the White House website.
Hiring Event Focuses on Spouses
The focus is military spouses of Active Duty, Guard, Reserves, Vets and Gold Star Spouses for a hiring event on Whidbey Island. Service members are also welcome.
Register info here or call 202-463-5807.
(Click on Image for a Larger and Complete View)
Register info here or call 202-463-5807.
(Click on Image for a Larger and Complete View)
Active Duty,
Air Force,
Coast Guard,
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
McChord Included in C-17 Reduction Plans
The president's budget proposal announced earlier this month outlines a
future rapid global mobility force structure that includes the
retirement of the C-38 fleet and reduction of the C-130H, KC-135 and
C-20 programs reports Capt. Kathleen Ferrero, Air Mobility Command
Public Affairs and Claudette Ruolo, American Forces Press Service, who
contributed to the article.

Over the next five years, the Air Force plans to remove almost 500 aircraft from its entire inventory to transition to a leaner force as it faces about $12.5 billion in budget cuts, according to officials.
Col. Todd Cargle, Air Mobility Command Programs Division chief, said the budget cuts are forcing the Air Force to make hard choices to meet rapid global mobility mission requirements within budget constraints.
"We needed to make sure we were putting forward the best possible recommendation to support the warfighter," Cargle said. "Every stakeholder -- four other major commands, the Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve -- at every level was at the table to shape this recommendation."
The budget calls for the closure of four active associate units (three existing units and one that was in the planning phases). Active associate units combine active duty with Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve resources.
Maj. Gen. Maryanne Miller, deputy to the chief of the Air Force Reserve, told Congress this month that the fiscal year 2015 proposed budget was "a transparent, collaborative Total Force planning effort maximizing the contributions of all three components."
It was also a collaborative decision to retire the C-38 fleet.
The Air Force argues that retiring entire fleets can save billions of dollars, because it saves the costs associated with infrastructure, logistics, personnel and base operating support. For example, the future retirement of the KC-10 fleet could save the DoD more than $2 billion across the Future Years Defense Plan, Cargle said.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh described the enormity of what $12 billion means to the budget in his latest "Airman to Airman" message.
"If we stop flying for the next two years ... completely, no flying hours at all in our AF for two years, we can pay [only] one year of the sequestration bill," said Welsh. "It's a big problem. ... we're working hard to fix it, but there's going to be tough choices that have to be made."
To face the challenge of the future security environment and dwindling budgets, Air Force senior leaders plan to shrink "capacity"-- or how much it can do at any one time, in order to maintain "capability"-- what the Air Force can do at any time.
For example, if the Congress agrees to the changes when they pass next fiscal year's National Defense Authorization Act, C-17A capacity will be reduced by placing some C-17s into backup inventory to not fly daily, but to still preserve strategic airlift capability if needed, Cargle said.
The fact that sequestration budget limits are scheduled to return in fiscal year 2016 cannot be ignored, Gen. Welsh told the House Armed Services Committee March 14.
"Every major decision reflected in our (fiscal 2015) budget proposal hurts," Welsh said. "Each of them reduces capability that our combatant commanders would love to have and believe they need. There are no more easy cuts."
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Rebuilding Together South Sound Benefit
The Master Builders Association of Pierce County (MBA Pierce) is holding a dinner & auction to benefit veterans services provided by Rebuilding Together South Sound and MBA operations on Friday, May 16 at 5:30 pm in Tacoma. Valet parking, live music, drinks and appetizers and a plated dinner will be provided along with a silent and a live auction.
Cost to attend is $75 per person or $600 for a table of 10 (bring your friends and save)!
Celebrate and give back to our service men and women by attending this evening of fun and end up with some pretty incredible items for yourself.
(So far, the items include trips to Harrison Hot Springs, an award winning resort in Lareto, Mexico, and Cabo San Lucas, a bass fishing trip, private boat and wine tours, a progressive dinner, autographed Seahawk collateral, Seahawk tickets, and more!)
RSVP here . Thank You.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Purple Up! Today
Everyone is encouraged to wear purple today, April 15 as a visible way to support and show gratitude to military children for their strength.
Noteworthies with a Local Link
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced today that the president has nominated Navy Rear Adm. (lower half) Dietrich H. Kuhlmann III, for appointment to the rank of rear admiral. Kuhlmann is currently serving as commander, Submarine Group Nine, Silverdale, Wash.
Reservist Named Chamber's Citizen-Airman

Photo ( r.): Amy Tiemeyer, ACU (Award Sponsor) and MSgt Lance Nelson.
It is the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber’s honor to present the 2014 Howard O. Scott Citizen-Airman of the Year Award to 446th Airlift Wing Master Sergeant Lance Nelson.
Sergeant Lance Nelson is a long-time loadmaster in the 729th Airlift Squadron,
446th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Lewis McChord-McChord Field. He is a flight leader in the squadron and
manages training for his flight. He also is an employee of West Pierce Fire and
Rescue as a firefighter and EMT.
Nelson has volunteered for the West Pierce Fire and Rescue Public Education
Team, teaching children in elementary schools fire prevention and life safety.
He has in addition had a starring role in the Fire Prevention Week assemblies
at various schools and has volunteered for the Read Across America Program
where he has gone into classrooms to read to children.
Nelson is the current Evergreen Elementary School PTA President and has been a member
of the PTA for the last seven years. He has been involved in fundraising for school
camps and participated in movie nights, book fairs, bingo nights, popcorn
sales, school beautification and many other PTA activities. He has volunteered
in the classrooms as well, reading to children, and assisting teachers with
classroom help. He also sits one-on-one with children in the classroom to help
with instruction and testing.
Nelson was selected to sit on the Bethel School District Long Range Facilities
Planning Team representing Evergreen Elementary School. On this team he works
with community members to develop a list of projects to present to the school
board for the next bond issue.
is a sitting board member for Bethel Recreation Association, a non-profit
organization that provided recreation athletics for the 17 elementary and six
middle schools in the Bethel School District. He is involved with the
implementation and development of the Standard Operating Procedures of the
program and oversight of budget items.
Nelson has also been an active volunteer coach for the Bethel Recreation
Association, sometimes coaching up to two teams per season. He has coached
basketball, football, soccer and baseball for the organization, spending
countless hours developing practices and mentoring the youth on his teams. He
also developed and organized a basketball clinic for the Bethel Recreation
Association, volunteering his time and efforts to develop skills and abilities
for young players.
Nelson is an active Boy Scout dad, assisting his son in his progression through
Scout programs. He crossed over with his son from Pack 679 to Troop 692 and is
now active in troop campouts, fundraising, and meeting management. Currently,
Nelson is setting up his training program to become a Troop Assistant Scoutmaster.
Nelson has also been on his homeowners’ association board since its induction.
He has served as secretary for the HOA and is currently the President. He has
been involved in the beautification of the development and assists with
maintaining rules and governance of the HOA.
all of his activities and tireless devotion to making his community a better
place for children and adults alike, Firefighter and Master Sergeant Nelson’s
compassion, commitment and community impact in Pierce County and beyond makes
him deserving of the Citizen-Airman of the Year Award.
Credit Union (ACU) was excited to present this year’s citizen-soldier award.
ACU has supported our area service members and their families since 1954, so it
goes without saying that we would jump at the chance to honor such an exemplary
citizen airman,” said Amy Tiemeyer, America’s Credit Union, (Award Sponsor).
About Howard O. Scott
About Howard O. Scott
year, the Citizen-Soldier (Airman) Award memorializes Howard Scott who grew up
in Tacoma and served the nation when called upon during World War II—as part of
“America’s Greatest Generation.” He returned to succeed as a banker in Tacoma,
giving of his time to community service organizations, believing and enjoying
this in his belief that doing so is one's responsibility.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Get Wired at Vet Career Day
Goodwill Veteran Services and Starbucks Coffee is presenting a Career and Resource Day.
Contact Bulah Scheel or call 253-573-6789
(Click on Image for a Larger and Complete View)
Contact Bulah Scheel or call 253-573-6789
(Click on Image for a Larger and Complete View)
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
College Credit for Military Training
A new law grants college credit to veterans for military training.
Governor Jay Inslee plans to sign into law Senate Bill 5969 which grants academic credit for military training. State Sen. Steve O’Ban, R-Pierce County, who sponsored the legislation, called the new law a major benefit for veterans, “who often face hardships as they transition back into civilian life and need to build new careers.”
When: 3:00 p.m. Governor Jay Inslee’s conference room, Legislative Building
In addition, Washington’s Medal of Honor recipients Captain William D. Swenson, Sgt. Leroy Petry, and SSG Ty M. Carter, will be at the Capitol for the dedication of the Medal of Honor Monument. Senator O’Ban will be presenting Sgt. Leroy Petry with Senator Resolution 8417. Find out all about them and the Monument here.
10:30 a.m. - Presentation of Senate Resolution, Governor Inslee’s Office, Legislative Building
11:00 a.m. – Medal of Honor Monument dedication, Capitol Rotunda
“We ask so much of our brave men and women in uniform,” said O’Ban, whose two sons serve in the military, “They’ve made life and death decisions, mastered complicated information technology and communications systems and managed millions of dollars’ worth of equipment. This is valuable training and work they’ve accomplished and worthy of college credit.”
The law now requires Washington’s colleges and universities to adopt policies on awarding academic credit to individuals for certain military training courses or programs by the year 2016.
Tom Jenkins, President of the Husky United Military Veterans heralded the new law, “I'm very excited about this bill. This is the biggest thing for veterans as it directly recognizes their accomplishments. It says ‘thank you’ for being a medical professional, or being an engineer, for example. For those who choose to continue in their field of training this is a great opportunity,” Jenkins said.
Governor Jay Inslee plans to sign into law Senate Bill 5969 which grants academic credit for military training. State Sen. Steve O’Ban, R-Pierce County, who sponsored the legislation, called the new law a major benefit for veterans, “who often face hardships as they transition back into civilian life and need to build new careers.”
When: 3:00 p.m. Governor Jay Inslee’s conference room, Legislative Building
In addition, Washington’s Medal of Honor recipients Captain William D. Swenson, Sgt. Leroy Petry, and SSG Ty M. Carter, will be at the Capitol for the dedication of the Medal of Honor Monument. Senator O’Ban will be presenting Sgt. Leroy Petry with Senator Resolution 8417. Find out all about them and the Monument here.
10:30 a.m. - Presentation of Senate Resolution, Governor Inslee’s Office, Legislative Building
11:00 a.m. – Medal of Honor Monument dedication, Capitol Rotunda
“We ask so much of our brave men and women in uniform,” said O’Ban, whose two sons serve in the military, “They’ve made life and death decisions, mastered complicated information technology and communications systems and managed millions of dollars’ worth of equipment. This is valuable training and work they’ve accomplished and worthy of college credit.”
The law now requires Washington’s colleges and universities to adopt policies on awarding academic credit to individuals for certain military training courses or programs by the year 2016.
Tom Jenkins, President of the Husky United Military Veterans heralded the new law, “I'm very excited about this bill. This is the biggest thing for veterans as it directly recognizes their accomplishments. It says ‘thank you’ for being a medical professional, or being an engineer, for example. For those who choose to continue in their field of training this is a great opportunity,” Jenkins said.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Cong. Adam Smith at Citizen-Soldier Event
Citizen-Soldier of the Year
33rd anniversary presentation
The Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee (MAC) will join with the Kiwanis Club of Tacoma in presenting the 33rd annual Howard O. Scott Citizen-Soldier of the Year. The Sponsor is America's Credit Union (ACU).
The Scott Citizen-Soldier of the Year is a premier MAC event recognizing the civic contributions of our Citizen-Soldiers (Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen/National Guard and Reserve). Please come and help us with this celebration and this recognition.
Congressman Adam Smith
Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee
In the coming months, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) will consider the annual National Defense Authorizing Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2015. Congressman Adam Smith, the Ranking Member on HASC, will provide an update on the issues currently before the Committee as well as answer any questions you may have on current events.
Host: Kiwanis Club of Tacoma
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 15, 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Place: La Quinta Inn, 1425 E. 27th St., Tacoma 98421
Entrée -- $15.00
Payment to be made at the door. Register to insure adequate seating.
RSVP: DUE 12 noon, April 11. (Friday)
Register Online Here
Please help acknowledge our thanks to our citizen-soldiers by attending this event.
Each year, the Citizen-Soldier Award memorializes Howard Scott who grew up in Tacoma and served the nation when called upon during World War II- as part of America's Greatest Generation. He returned to succeed as a banker in Tacoma - giving of his time to community service organizations, believing and enjoying this in his belief that doing so is one's responsibility.
Howard O. Scott Citizen-Soldier of the Year Award
The Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber’s Military Affairs Committee will join with the Kiwanis Club of Tacoma in presenting the annual Howard O. Scott Citizen-Soldier of the Year Award.
The Citizen-Soldier Award memorializes Howard Scott who grew up in Tacoma and served the nation when called upon during World War II- as part of America's Greatest Generation. He returned to succeed as a banker in Tacoma - giving of his time to community service organizations, believing and enjoying this in his belief that doing so is one's responsibility.
The Scott Citizen-Soldier of the Year is a premier MAC event recognizing the civic contributions of our Citizen-Soldiers (Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen). We encourage you to attend and celebration this recognition.
Noteworthies With a Local Link
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced today that the president has nominated Navy Capt. Jeffrey S. Ruth, nominated for appointment to the rank of rear admiral (lower half). Ruth is currently serving as commanding officer, USS Nimitz (CVN 68), Everett, Wash.
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